Our 3D metrology service
Reverse engineering
Our 3D metrology service
Reverse engineering
A high-quality form of digitization plays an essential role in optimal object measurement. That is why we work with the precise and flexible 3D scanning systems from GOM. The full-surface measurement data is captured using Blue Light Technology and also enables highly complex components to be scanned. This allows important decisions to be made on product quality.

From object to precise 3D scan data.
We use reverse engineering to create digital CAD models from your physical components or tools. This is made possible by the Geomagic Design X software, which extracts the usually non-existent CAD data of a component from the measurement data. The high-quality 3D data can be seamlessly combined with any CAD software. In addition to improving your CAD environment, reverse engineering opens up various design possibilities and shortens the time to market for your product, among other things.